Clean Cars for All


Program Status:  Accepting Applications for Backup List


Announcement 1: Clean Cars for All is currently oversubscribed, which means that it has received more applications than there is funding available.  Applications are still being accepted, but all new applications will go on a backup list. 

Applications on a backup list may be considered for funding if previously submitted applications and awarded projects are cancelled, withdrawn, or fail to meet program requirements.  Being on the backup list does not guarantee grant funding and priority may be given to Participants who live in disadvantaged communities that experience higher levels of air pollution as designated by California Climate Investments.  Read the Program Advisory to learn more. 

Announcement 2: Clean Cars for All has removed conventional hybrids as a clean vehicle replacement option for all new applications submitted after October 14, 2024, and banned delivery or sale of conventional hybrids after December 31, 2024. Read the Program Advisory to learn more. 

Grants for income-qualified Bay Area residents to retire their older car and replace it with a plug-in hybrid, battery, or hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicle, or a pre-paid card to use for public transit and purchase e-bikes.

The Air District hosted an informational webinar to discuss programmatic updates, answer questions from interested parties, and review other electric vehicle (EV) incentive programs that stack with the Clean Cars for All program.

Tuesday, December 12, 2023, 2:00–3:30 PM

Learn About the Program

Supported by the California Climate Investments program, a statewide initiative that addresses climate change by reducing greenhouse gases and improving air quality and the Transportation Fund for Clean Air.

Clean Cars for All is administered by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District and application support is provided by GRID Alternatives, the only partner authorized to provide assistance for Clean Cars for All.

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